This page is broken out into three sections, picking up a Geocoin, dropping off Geocoins, and troubleshooting. The web site tries to mimic the coin’s adventures in the real world. Cache listings work like virtual containers for each Geocoin listing. From this point, it is up to you to decide whether or not to move the coin to another geocache.
Guide to Geocoins
But, since then, I’ve realized that many people might not actually know the difference between a trackable geocoin and one that you collect. Having your own customized Geocoins minted can be an exciting process. With hundreds of different design options available, you should have no trouble coming up with a Geocoin that will showcase you or your group’s personality in a unique way.
After signing the log, the cache must be placed back exactly where the person found it. Several ways that geocachers have combatted the theft of geocoins include to physically damage the released coin by drilling a hole to attach something, or releasing proxies. Physical alteration reduces the value of the coins, presumably making them less valuable to steal. This requires a geocacher to complete a reasonably attainable geocaching-related task before being able to log the cache as a find online.36 It does not restrict geocachers from finding what is a geocoin the cache and signing the logbook at anytime. However a geocacher is not allowed to log a find on the geocaching website unless they qualify for the challenge specified in the cache description.
Newer GPS devices released by Garmin, DeLorme, and Magellan have the ability to read GPX files directly, thus eliminating the need for a PDA.59 Other methods include viewing real-time information on a portable computer with internet access or with an Internet-enabled smart phone. The latest advancement of this practice involves installing dedicated applications on a smart phone with a built-in GPS receiver. Seekers can search for and download caches in their immediate vicinity directly to the application and use the on-board GPS receiver to find the cache. A variety of geocaching applications are available for geocache data management, file-type translation, and personalization.
- The letterbox hybrid cache contains the important materials for this.3335 Typically, letterbox hybrid caches are not found at the given coordinates which only act as a starting location.
- A variety of geocaching applications are available for geocache data management, file-type translation, and personalization.
- With hundreds of different design options available, you should have no trouble coming up with a Geocoin that will showcase you or your group’s personality in a unique way.
- Newer GPS devices released by Garmin, DeLorme, and Magellan have the ability to read GPX files directly, thus eliminating the need for a PDA.59 Other methods include viewing real-time information on a portable computer with internet access or with an Internet-enabled smart phone.
- The cache listing acts as a virtual container allowing you to indicate that you have placed the Geocoin in the physical cache.
Some things you should know about Travel Bugs® and Geocoins:
However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly all planned Mega- and Giga-events were cancelled for the year, including the planned 20th anniversary celebration event in Seattle, Washington. Therefore, Groundspeak decided to extend the deadline to log this geocache through 1 January 2023. With 22,500 finds it is the second most logged geocache in history. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook and sometimes a pen or pencil.4 The geocacher signs the log with their established code name/username and dates it, in order to prove that they found the cache.
However now they tend to be smaller percentage as the industry has a number of coins manufacturers that develop coins for events, holidays, or special coins. Reviewer/Moderator/Lackey Coins are another form of signature items over the years these have their own following. Many of them have taken the time to create their own signature item. Most coins usually have a picture or other unique visual features.
Geocacher’s Compass
Refer to the FAQ for answers to other questions not covered on this page. If you only wish to discover a Geocoin, simply visit the coin’s page and log a note with the type “discovered” selected in the drop-down menu. The original Moun10bike coin is officially owned by user Moun10bike. All of the coins are activated under his account and he has been known to lock down a coin’s page when he finds that a particular tracking number has been sold without permission.
But, the exception to that is if YOU are the owner of the coin. ESP Boss has two coins from our original Geocoin minting that he has kept. They are activated and he is the owner, but the coins remain in a frame on the office wall. Back in April, I wrote an article all about what trackable geocoins are and how they work.
Sometimes you have to look on the edge to find the tracking number. There are two possible reasons why the Geocoins are not listed on your “log a cache” page. Check out the Guide to Geocoins to see a current list of circulating geocoins. A geocoin is a collectible coin that travels from place to place. If you found a geocoin the first thing you need to do is “grab” it online so that you can add your own story to its journey.
Some of them have been rumored to sell at values in the thousands of USD. Posting photos of geocoins can be fun, but care should be taken to avoid showing the Tracking Code to reduce the risk of Armchair Logging. This can be done with some nothing more than basic photo editing software. Whether you are logging a “Discovery” and leaving the coin where you found it, or logging that you are picking it up and moving it, you will need to visit the Trackables Page. Instructions for how to log the coin can be found on the Trackables page.
Geocachers were able to log this cache from 6 February 2021 through 31 December 2022. It has been logged over 33,500 times and holds the title for the most “found” geocache. On 17 August 2022, made available the third locationless cache to be logged since 2005 (GC9FAVE). Instead of finding Signal or picking up trash, this cache encouraged geocachers from around the world to share their favorite geocaching story. Since 2005, all locationless caches have been archived and locked, meaning they are unable to be logged.